Next Level Training
"Exceeding the Standard in Training Firefighters and Fire Officers"
Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR)
Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR) allows you to learn from experienced, dedicated and highly motivated instructors with years of Fire, EMS, Police, and Military experience, certified in multiple areas: POST and POST Instructor, ALERRT, Fire Instructor III, EMT, Paramedic, BLS instructor and Tactical Combat Casualty Care Instructor. This course is designed to improve integration between Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS, and Telecommunicators during an active attack/active shooter incident, while also providing key medical skills based on Tactical Emergency Critical Care (TECC) guidelines, which can be used at the Point of Injury (POI) to increase survivability of victims. This course also provides a model framework to these incidents through utilizing the rescue task force concept. Our instructors will ensure competency of your personnel through training scenarios, one-on-one instruction, and adapt the training to your organizational needs. Inquire today on how you can better prepare your personnel, organization, and partnerships, and take them to the Next Level of Active Shooter incidents and response.